Olive: The Treasure Of The Health
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Olives is the best and nutritious fruit. olive contains lots vitamins,minerals ,antioxidants, oleic acids.
श्लोक( hymn)
जितवृक्षा क्षेम, धीती, मेदिनी, समृद्धी, आरोग्यं, स्वस्ति, जैत्र, दिधी,अक्षोठप्रतीक अस्ती।
olive ,sub-tropical broadleaf evergreen tree and it's edible oval shape fruit little bitter in test which found in Mediterranean Basin From Portugal.
As per archaeological evidence, olive trees spread into western Mediterranean and North Africa by bronze age 4500 years ago.In sixth century the olive trees were cultivated in Israel and Egypt.Phoenician merchants brought olive in the European Mediterranean area such as
Italy,Spain,France,Portugal and spread America and Australia.
Olive Tree is a symbol of peace, wisdom, fertility, prosperity, health, luck, victory, stability and tranquillity.
olive ,sub-tropical broadleaf evergreen tree and it's edible oval shape fruit little bitter in test which found in Mediterranean Basin From Portugal.
As per archaeological evidence, olive trees spread into western Mediterranean and North Africa by bronze age 4500 years ago.In sixth century the olive trees were cultivated in Israel and Egypt.Phoenician merchants brought olive in the European Mediterranean area such as
Italy,Spain,France,Portugal and spread America and Australia.
As early as in fifth century, Ancient Greek respects olive tree as symbol of peace and friendship.
Olive's Botanical name is Olea Europaea.Olive is green colour when it's raw and become bluish black when ripped.Olive is short and squat, and rarely exceeds 8-15 m(26-49 ft) in height.
The small,white,feathery flowers,with ten cleft calyx and corolla,two stamens and bifid stigma,are borne generally on the previous wood's,in the racemes springing from the axil of the leaves.
The fruit is a small drupe 1-2.5cm long.thinner fleshed and smaller in wild plants than in orchard cultivators.
Olive leaves are silvery green are oblong in shape which are 4-10cm long.trunk is gnarled and twisted.
Classification of olive:
Kingdom: green plants or plantae
Subkingdom: vascular plants
Super division: seed plant
Division: flowering plant
Class: Dicotyledons(plants with the seed having two cotyledons(The definition of a cotyledon is the first leaf or set of leaves that sprout from a seed.))
Sub class: Asteridae(a clade of plants)
Order: Lamiales
Family: Oleaceae
Genus: Olea
Olive contents
Olive is a superb treasure of vitamins,electrolytes,minerals,phytonutrients,lipids and another contents like energy,fats,carb,proteins,fibers etc.
The nutrition facts for 100 grams ripped canned olives as below:
1]Energy(Calories):Olive contains 115-145 Kilocalories.calorie is unit of energy.people get it from food and energy which they consumed.
Olive contains 80% of water.it lubricants the joints,form saliva and mucus,passes oxygen to whole body,regulates body temperature,boosts healthy skin and beauty.
3]Protein:Olive contains 0.8 grams of protein.it important component of every cell in the body.body uses protein to repair and build tissues,make enzymes,hormones and other body chemicals.
4]Carbohydes:Olive contains 6.3 grams of carbohydrates.carbs are the main source of the energy.it fuels brain,heart muscles,kidney and central nerve system.
Olive contain 0 grams of sugar or glucose.it is source of energy.glucose fight tiredness,lower the body temperature,helps in muscles recovery,recovers dehydration.
6]Fibers:Olive contains 3 grams of fiber.it helps in lose weight,reduce risk of type-2 diabetes,lowers odds of heart disease or stroke.,reduce certain risk of cancer.
Olive contains 10.7 grams of fats.fats are found daily food sources these are called as dietary fats.it provides energy to whole body.
olive contains folates,niacin,pantothenic acid,pyridoxine,riboflavin,thiamine,vit A,vit,C,vit E, Vit K
a]Folates: 0 micrograms foltates are present in olive.folate also known as folic acid.Main role of folate is to support DNA synthesis, prevents neural tube defect in first three months of pregnancy and cell growth.
b]Niacin:0.037 mg contains in olive. it is also called as Vitamin B3.it supports cholesterol synthesis, DNA synthesis and regulates glucose (blood pressure).it is important for hormone production.
c]Pantothenic acid: 0.015grams found in olives.pantothenic acid or vitamin B5 important for red blood cell production. Vitamin B5 also referred as “anti-stress” vitamin. Pantothenic acid supports the body’s ability to synthesize cholesterol.
d]Pyridoxine:0.03 mg amount present in olive. it is also known as Vitamin B6.Pyridoxine important for metabolism of carbohydrates, amino acid and fats. Vitamin B6 also supports for red blood production. Pyridoxine supports for Vitamin B3 formation and synthesis of neurotransmitters. B6 relive premenstrual symptoms. It’s also beneficial in the treatment of anaemia.
e]Riboflavin: 0.0 mg present in olive.another name of riboflavin is Vitamin B2.Most important role of B2 is unlocking the energy from nutrients.B2 is beneficial for migraine sufferers.
f]Thianmin: 0.003 mg present in olive.it is also known as Vitamin B1.enables the body to use carbohydrates as energy. It is essential for glucose metabolism, and it plays a key role in nerve, muscle, and heart function.
g]Vitamin A: 17 micrograms are present in olive.Vitamin A has lots of nutritious benefits. It’s vital role in preserving healthy teeth, bone and soft tissues growth. It also useful in maintaining reproductive and immune system. Vitamin A helps formation and maintains healthy skin and mucous membrane.
h]Vitamin C:he nutritional content Vitamin C in olives ranging from 1.5mg to 0mg as per type of olive.0.9 mg amount is present in olive.Vitamin C is one of the antioxidant nutrient. Vitamin C supports in production of collagen, hormones and fighting an infection.
i]Vitamin E: 1.65 mg amount is present in olive.Vitamin E is an anti-oxidant which can limits the production of free radicals in the body. Free radicals may causes cancer.
j]Vitamin K: 14 micrograms amount is present in olive.Vitamin K is known as “Blood Clotting” Vitamin. It’s important factor in healing wounds. Vitamin K is important in bone health. Vitamin K is fat soluble which produces protein for healthy bone and normal blood clotting.
a]Folates: 0 micrograms foltates are present in olive.folate also known as folic acid.Main role of folate is to support DNA synthesis, prevents neural tube defect in first three months of pregnancy and cell growth.
b]Niacin:0.037 mg contains in olive. it is also called as Vitamin B3.it supports cholesterol synthesis, DNA synthesis and regulates glucose (blood pressure).it is important for hormone production.
c]Pantothenic acid: 0.015grams found in olives.pantothenic acid or vitamin B5 important for red blood cell production. Vitamin B5 also referred as “anti-stress” vitamin. Pantothenic acid supports the body’s ability to synthesize cholesterol.
d]Pyridoxine:0.03 mg amount present in olive. it is also known as Vitamin B6.Pyridoxine important for metabolism of carbohydrates, amino acid and fats. Vitamin B6 also supports for red blood production. Pyridoxine supports for Vitamin B3 formation and synthesis of neurotransmitters. B6 relive premenstrual symptoms. It’s also beneficial in the treatment of anaemia.
e]Riboflavin: 0.0 mg present in olive.another name of riboflavin is Vitamin B2.Most important role of B2 is unlocking the energy from nutrients.B2 is beneficial for migraine sufferers.
f]Thianmin: 0.003 mg present in olive.it is also known as Vitamin B1.enables the body to use carbohydrates as energy. It is essential for glucose metabolism, and it plays a key role in nerve, muscle, and heart function.
g]Vitamin A: 17 micrograms are present in olive.Vitamin A has lots of nutritious benefits. It’s vital role in preserving healthy teeth, bone and soft tissues growth. It also useful in maintaining reproductive and immune system. Vitamin A helps formation and maintains healthy skin and mucous membrane.
h]Vitamin C:he nutritional content Vitamin C in olives ranging from 1.5mg to 0mg as per type of olive.0.9 mg amount is present in olive.Vitamin C is one of the antioxidant nutrient. Vitamin C supports in production of collagen, hormones and fighting an infection.
i]Vitamin E: 1.65 mg amount is present in olive.Vitamin E is an anti-oxidant which can limits the production of free radicals in the body. Free radicals may causes cancer.
j]Vitamin K: 14 micrograms amount is present in olive.Vitamin K is known as “Blood Clotting” Vitamin. It’s important factor in healing wounds. Vitamin K is important in bone health. Vitamin K is fat soluble which produces protein for healthy bone and normal blood clotting.
9]Electrolytes: Electrolytes are vital for the normal functioning of the human body.
a]Sodium:the amount 735 mg is present in olive.Sodium balances fluids in the body. It helps send nerve impulses. Sodium is helpful in muscles contraction.
b]Potassium: 42.0 mg amount is present in olive. The health benefits of potassium include relief from stroke, high blood pressure, heart and kidney disorders, and anxiety and stress. It helps enhance muscle strength, metabolism, water balance, electrolytic functions, and the nervous system.
a]Sodium:the amount 735 mg is present in olive.Sodium balances fluids in the body. It helps send nerve impulses. Sodium is helpful in muscles contraction.
b]Potassium: 42.0 mg amount is present in olive. The health benefits of potassium include relief from stroke, high blood pressure, heart and kidney disorders, and anxiety and stress. It helps enhance muscle strength, metabolism, water balance, electrolytic functions, and the nervous system.
help your body grow, develop, and stay healthy. The body uses minerals to perform many different functions — from building strong bones to transmitting nerve impulses. Some minerals are even used to make hormones or maintain a normal heartbeat.
a]Calcium: 52.0 mg amount fount in olive.In the body, calcium is utilised for production healthy teeth and bone.
b]Copper: 0.12 mg amount present in olive.is crucial for iron metabolism and enzymes.
c]Iron: 3.3 mg amount is present in olive.Black olives are good source of iron. Iron is a mineral vital to the proper function of haemoglobin, a protein needed to transport oxygen in the blood. Iron also has a role in a variety of other important processes in the body.
d]Magnesium: 11.0 mg amount found in olive.Magnesium supports to energy production, heart functions.
e]Manganese: 0.020 grams amount present in olive.It supports to normal functioning of brain, nervous system and enzymes system.
f]Phosphorous: 3.0mg phosphorus is present in 100g olive. Grams portion amount of olive may be pickled, canned or green. It plays crucial role in the all growth of DNA. It supports energy metabolism.
g] Selenium: 0.9µg selenium present in olive. It supports immune system.
h]Zinc: 0.22 mg amount present in olive.Zinc is a trace element that is necessary for a healthy immune system.Zinc is useful in the regulation of immune function, treating diarrhoea, regulates learning and memory.
a]Calcium: 52.0 mg amount fount in olive.In the body, calcium is utilised for production healthy teeth and bone.
b]Copper: 0.12 mg amount present in olive.is crucial for iron metabolism and enzymes.
c]Iron: 3.3 mg amount is present in olive.Black olives are good source of iron. Iron is a mineral vital to the proper function of haemoglobin, a protein needed to transport oxygen in the blood. Iron also has a role in a variety of other important processes in the body.
d]Magnesium: 11.0 mg amount found in olive.Magnesium supports to energy production, heart functions.
e]Manganese: 0.020 grams amount present in olive.It supports to normal functioning of brain, nervous system and enzymes system.
f]Phosphorous: 3.0mg phosphorus is present in 100g olive. Grams portion amount of olive may be pickled, canned or green. It plays crucial role in the all growth of DNA. It supports energy metabolism.
g] Selenium: 0.9µg selenium present in olive. It supports immune system.
h]Zinc: 0.22 mg amount present in olive.Zinc is a trace element that is necessary for a healthy immune system.Zinc is useful in the regulation of immune function, treating diarrhoea, regulates learning and memory.
11]PhytoNutrients: phytonutrients are antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. Phytonutrients may also enhance immunity and intercellular communication, repair DNA damage from exposure to toxins, detoxify carcinogens and alter estrogen metabolism.
a]Carotene-beta: 0.237µg amount found in olive.t is an Antioxidant. Beta carotene is a red/orange pigment found in many fresh fruits and vegetables. Carotene-β keeps lung healthy.
b]Crypto-xanthin-beta: 9µg amount is found in olive.It supports anti-obesity effects, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant activity and anti-cancer activity
c]Lutein-zeaxathin: the amount 510µg present in olive.It helps to protect and maintain healthy cells in the eyes.
d]Phytosterols: 221 mg amount present in olive. it play key role in cell membrane function. It’s able to reduce blood cholesterol.
a]Carotene-beta: 0.237µg amount found in olive.t is an Antioxidant. Beta carotene is a red/orange pigment found in many fresh fruits and vegetables. Carotene-β keeps lung healthy.
b]Crypto-xanthin-beta: 9µg amount is found in olive.It supports anti-obesity effects, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant activity and anti-cancer activity
c]Lutein-zeaxathin: the amount 510µg present in olive.It helps to protect and maintain healthy cells in the eyes.
d]Phytosterols: 221 mg amount present in olive. it play key role in cell membrane function. It’s able to reduce blood cholesterol.
Lipids are molecules that contain hydrocarbons and make up the building blocks of the structure and function of living cells.
a]Saturated fatty acids: 1.415g amount present in olive.Saturated fats raise high-density lipoprotein (HDL or "good") cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL or "bad") cholesterol levels.
b]Monounsaturated fatty acids: 7.888g amount present in olive.It help reduce bad cholesterol levels in your blood which can lower your risk of heart disease and stroke. They also provide nutrients to help develop and maintain your body's cells.
c]Polyunsaturated fatty acids: 0.911g amount is present in olive.can help lower your LDL (bad) cholesterol which reduces risk for heart disease.
13]Other Plant compound
Olives are rich in many plant compounds, particularly antioxidants, including :
a]Oleuropein. This is the most abundant antioxidant in fresh, unripe olives. It is linked to many health benefits
b]Hydroxytyrosol. During olive ripening, oleuropein is broken down into hydroxytyrosol. It is also a powerful antioxidant
c]Tyrosol. Most prevalent in olive oil, this antioxidant is not as potent as hydroxytyrosol. However, it may help prevent heart disease
d]Oleanolic acid. This antioxidant may help prevent liver prevent liver damage, regulate blood fats, and reduce inflammation
e]Quercetin. This nutrient may lower blood pressure and improve heart health.
Types Of Olives:
1]Arinion Olives:It comes from Arinion region of Greece.They are medium to large fruit of Conservolea tree.One of the oldest tree of the world.This particular Olive have fruity and tangy test.It firm outer but a very soft texture.
a]Saturated fatty acids: 1.415g amount present in olive.Saturated fats raise high-density lipoprotein (HDL or "good") cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL or "bad") cholesterol levels.
b]Monounsaturated fatty acids: 7.888g amount present in olive.It help reduce bad cholesterol levels in your blood which can lower your risk of heart disease and stroke. They also provide nutrients to help develop and maintain your body's cells.
c]Polyunsaturated fatty acids: 0.911g amount is present in olive.can help lower your LDL (bad) cholesterol which reduces risk for heart disease.
13]Other Plant compound
Olives are rich in many plant compounds, particularly antioxidants, including :
a]Oleuropein. This is the most abundant antioxidant in fresh, unripe olives. It is linked to many health benefits
b]Hydroxytyrosol. During olive ripening, oleuropein is broken down into hydroxytyrosol. It is also a powerful antioxidant
c]Tyrosol. Most prevalent in olive oil, this antioxidant is not as potent as hydroxytyrosol. However, it may help prevent heart disease
d]Oleanolic acid. This antioxidant may help prevent liver prevent liver damage, regulate blood fats, and reduce inflammation
e]Quercetin. This nutrient may lower blood pressure and improve heart health.
Types Of Olives:
1]Arinion Olives:It comes from Arinion region of Greece.They are medium to large fruit of Conservolea tree.One of the oldest tree of the world.This particular Olive have fruity and tangy test.It firm outer but a very soft texture.
2]Alfonso Olives:This olive visually appealing thick and intense purple colour.Alfonso olive has robust flavour.
3]Amfissa Olive:It is another Greek variety.they grow in central area of country.Amfissa is the most common Greek olives and growers produce them in both black and green.they are small in size.test is slightly citrus sweet
4]Arauco Olives:Is is larger than the most other types of olives.colour is light green.This olive for olive oil production.
5]Arbequina Olives:This olives are unique-looking olives.they have a light brown exterior colour.they have a firm flesh and a deliciously light and fruity test.this olives use as table olives rather than part of the dish.
6]Beldi Olives:This olives offers rich and intense test when they become fully matured.they have soft and chewy texture.
7]Castelvetrano Olives: one of the best-tasting olives in the world, and their appearance is a striking bright-green color.The Castelvetrano is medium-large in size,Their light and mild taste.
8]Cerignola:These are the largest olives in the world and originate in the Puglia region of Italy.Cerignola olives are available in black and green form.
9]Cobrancosa:These medium-sized green olives are growing throughout Portugal, but mainly in the Northern regions. They provide a very light, fruity flavor with a slight hint of spiciness.
10]Cordovil:Cordovil olives are very deep and fruity yet slightly bitter and spicy in taste.They grow predominantly in the Moura region of Portugal and, similar to the Cobrancosa, vast quantities of Cordovil produce oil.
11]Gaeta:Gaeta is a very popular Italian black olive from the small city of Gaeta on Italy’s West Coast.is a very popular Italian black olive from the small city of Gaeta on Italy’s West Coast.
12]Galega:Galega is the most popular Portuguese olive variety.They are some of the sweetest types of olives available and have a soft fruity taste.
13]Gemlik:Gemlik olives mark the first appearance of a cultivar from Turkey, and they grow in the Zeytinbagi region in the North.they are small to medium in size and jet black.Cured in only oil for an authentic flavor, these are some of the best-tasting fruit money can buy.
14]Gordal:these olives Originating in Seville in the Andalusia region, this plump green fruit is very soft in texture and makes an excellent table olive.
15]Kalamata:The Greek Kalamata olive is one of the most famous varieties in the world.
An attractive deep reddish-purple, they grow close to the Ionian sea in the Kalamata region of Southern Greece.
An attractive deep reddish-purple, they grow close to the Ionian sea in the Kalamata region of Southern Greece.
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Kalamata olives are reasonably large, and as they contain moderate amounts of oil, growers produce them for use as table olives and oil.Due to their natural properties—and the bringing process—they have a soft, fruity but slightly bitter flavor.
16]Leccino:The Leccino olive are primary olives.these olives are used in the production of Italian olive oil.they have originated in Tuscany.it has delicate flavour.
17]Ligurian:these olives also known as Tagiassca.It's grown in the region of Ligurian in the north west Italy.These are small olives with delicious flesh and a small pit
18]Lugano :Lugano olives are from Switzerland.The olives are a medium size with a firm texture, and the taste is slightly bitter and very salty.
19]Lucques:Lucques olives are from the Languedoc region of France.the Lucques provides a mild nutty taste .
20]Manzanilla:It originates from Sevilla, a city in the southern region of Andalusia, Spain, Manzanilla is one of the most famous types of olives in the world.
21]Mission Olives:It comes from USA.they are the only American olive cultivar recognized by the International Olive Council.Thes'e olives are small and green with a firm texture, and growers produce them for sale both as whole fruit and oil.
22]Nicoise:the Nicoise is a French olive.They have a slightly sweet, smoky, and bitter—but tasty—flavor, so they work best as a table olive.
23]Nyon:the Nyon is an authentic French olive.Originating from Nyons.Small and black in color,they have mild, bitter but enjoyable flavor with a very soft and chewy texture.
24]Picholine:The Picholine is a small and green olive that originally comes from the region of Gard in southern France.the Wool is being used to produce both table olives and oil.
As a table olive, its firm and crisp texture accompany a mild and fruity flavor.
As a table olive, its firm and crisp texture accompany a mild and fruity flavor.
Picual olives might be small in size, but they certainly have a deep flavor and offer equal parts of bitter, sweet, and peppery notes.These Spanish olive grow in the Jaen region of the country, located in the Southern part of the nation.
26]Verdial:these olives come from the Velez-Malaga region of Spain.these are very firm flesh, a medium buttery texture, and a crisp, clean fruity taste.
Health benefits of Olives:
Olives associated with many health benefits, especially for heart health and cancer prevention.
a]Antioxidant properties:
Dietary antioxidants reduces risk of chronic illness like heart disease and cancer.Olives are rich in antioxidants which reduces microorganism growth.
b]Improve heart health:
Health benefits of Olives:
Olives associated with many health benefits, especially for heart health and cancer prevention.
a]Antioxidant properties:
Dietary antioxidants reduces risk of chronic illness like heart disease and cancer.Olives are rich in antioxidants which reduces microorganism growth.
b]Improve heart health:
Oleic acid, the main fatty acid in olives, is associated with improved heart health. It may regulate cholesterol levels and protect LDL (bad) cholesterol from oxidation
c]Improve bone health
d]Cancer Prevention: due to Olives high antioxidant and oleic acid contents help to reduce risk of cancer. Test-tube studies reveal that these compounds disrupt the life cycle of cancer cells in the breast, colon, and stomach.
c]Improve bone health
d]Cancer Prevention: due to Olives high antioxidant and oleic acid contents help to reduce risk of cancer. Test-tube studies reveal that these compounds disrupt the life cycle of cancer cells in the breast, colon, and stomach.
Use Of Olives:
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